Sunday, January 30, 2011


 i found erin hansons website, called recovering lazyholic, that helps her get out of bed in the morning and accomplish something. not only did i find her artwork intriguing, but she does her artwork for herself. i found this important and relating to my uv2 experience because after attempting to write the artist statement last week, i realized that my art is solely for me. if people happen to enjoy it, happen to like it, its an extra bonus. 
i also saw connections to some of her artwork to what we were writing about relating to audience; erin works for herself, but consequently affects people that have some of the same thoughts going through their head. her audience is people that stumble onto her artwork, and those who find it, like me, become intriqued and almost obsessed with her style.

writing assignment one.

part one:
I see myself in art history as an artist that went against the norm, such as in the preface that we read, against the guild. I believe I fit into this category because I set the bar for my work, what I want to accomplish and when. I choose the subject matter I want to shoot, and the message that a piece may have behind it. I wouldn’t have taken rules from the guild in order to become a “master” in someone else’s’ eyes. Part of the thrill of working in art is messing up and making mistakes. Without them I wouldn’t be able to recognize a good piece when I made one.
I’m the only person that can push myself to get work done. Knowing what I can accomplish drives me to want to set the bar even higher for myself, which makes my standards towards my artwork change numerous times. If I were told to only do so much to a piece, it would be difficult for me to just do that and nothing else, even if I felt driven to do so. Their standards would deviate me from mine, causing one or the other to be unhappy with the outcome.
I create and choose the way I want to express myself through art. I get to choose between painting, drawing, sculpture, or photography. Being told to only do one just because it’s what someone wants wouldn’t sit with me well. Through trial and error I know which medium I’m strongest in, and feel as though I can express myself in the best. It is because of my persistence through trial and error that I have gotten to become the artist I am today.
part two:
I create art in order to show others how my perception of the world may be different from what they see. Behind each picture is a deeper meaning. The meaning may differ from person to person, but my main objective is to create art that I’m proud of, and reflects whatever emotion I was feeling at the time it was shot.
I create art to show others the way I percieve things.