Friday, February 4, 2011

pipilotti rist-case study.

for my case study, i chose pipilotti rist. before this i had no knowledge of what went into creating a multimedia piece, and i didnt think that i would have anything in common with her artwork and message. after researching, i found out that the inspriation for her work came mostly from emotions, and traumatic experiences, such as heartbreak. she also looked to women's roles in society and what we were were labeled as inspriation for her videos. the video i posted above, is one of her works from 1988, called "I'm Not the Girl Who Misses Much". The title is based of the song, "Happiness is a Warm Gun", by John Lennon. she chose to personalize the title because pipilotti looked at herself as the reincarnation of John Lennon when she was a child. the message behind this bizarre video, is speaking out against the media and society, and what they portray women to be, sexual objects. she addresses that women are looked at as mearly physical objects by exposing her chest in the video, but makes fun of this by her jagged, sparatic movements that is anything but ladylike; graceful, and fluid. in this video, pipilotti also addresses the idea of emotional turmoil through the editing processes that she went through-by cutting up the film in certain parts and allowing it to freeze, changing the color in the background, the clarity, and the pitch of her singing. although the phrase that she repeats throughout the video seems redundant, her voice and movements are intoxicating and bizarre, and draw you in to watch more.
im really happy with my choice to research pipilotti rist because i found out that we both have common inspirations, emotions, thoughts and interactions. she describes her work and the process that she has to go through in order to achieve the end result as theraputic; exactly how i look at my work for me. finding an artist interested in a different medium with the same objective has opened my eyes up in the sense that although some work may be comepletly different visually, the message can be the same. its the way that we as the artist express and interpret that message that makes our work unique.

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