this assignment helped me realize who i am as an artist and what exactly inspires me. it also allowed me to see into why i find inspiration in the things i do.
I’m more likely to be inspired by:
The absence of contentment
-If I am uncomfortable in my surroundings it gets me out of my comfort zone, which causes anxiety, which causes me to internalize and think more.
Personal situations
-I can clearly remember most experiences, and can benefit the most from working through a personal situation. My work will mean the most to me if I have a personal connection to it.
Interactions with humans
-Conversations that I have with people and the why people behave the way they do intrigue and inspire me.
-I don’t think as clearly when I’m stressed out and haven’t gotten enough rest. Surprisingly, some of my best ideas for artwork have come out of being in this uncomfortable state of mind.
-When I’m sober I feel like I can process my thoughts and emotions better than I can when I’m under the influence. Since my thoughts and emotions are the core of my work, it allows me to be more inspired when I’m sober. They’re clearer and make more sense to me then.
-When I feel like I’m under pressure I work harder. My brain goes a million miles a minute and I have different ideas and inspirations because of this change in my state of mind.
-I’m more inspired by sorrow because it’s a very raw emotion that everyone can relate to. It’s intense and real and something that everyone experiences in their lifetime; its relatable and honest.
-I can draw more inspiration from culture because there are positive and negative things going on in our culture. You can choose to focus on the negative and/or the positive, the people affected, etc. There are so many different ways inspiration can sprout from that for me.
-I’m more likely to be inspired by familiarity because I know whatever it is I’m inspired by. I’ve seen it, felt it, and experienced it, therefore I understand it better and I’m able to pick it apart and draw inspiration from it more accurately.
-I become inspired during times when I’m editing photos, as well as when I’m taking the pictures. Knowing I’m producing something and doing something creative allows my mind to be at peace and comfortable with letting it go wherever it wants to.
The past
-I feel like the past is something I can draw a lot of inspiration from because it’s something that I already know about. I’m familiar with the emotions associated with it and things that happened.
-Feelings and emotions are vital in my work. It’s the basis of every piece that I make and I know that I’ll continue to work off of them because everyday we go through a number of them…each that inspire me in different ways.
-When I’m angry I tend to write. When I write when I’m angry, I’m wholeheartedly honest with myself. If I’m writing when I’m happy I find it difficult to be honest with myself if it doesn’t fit with the rest of the page because its emotion is different. When I’m angry it all just flows, and it gives me the opportunity to look at pure emotion later on.
-I’m more likely to be inspired by myself because I don’t consider myself to be extremely social. I feel like I know myself better than I know anyone else, and I think it’s rare these days to know that about yourself. I’ve processed through things in my head millions of times and overanalyzed everything too much, and I feel like that makes my inspiration more interesting and deep.
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